Bollywood News: Bollywood movie ‘Action Replayy’ featuring Akshay Kumar and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, has been officially recognised by the Oscars Library. Recently, Director Vipul Shah has been invited by the Library of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences to have the screenplay of the movie preserved as a permanent script in its archive. The script will be used in the teachings of future generations of Film Studies students.
This would be the foruth of Akshay Kumar‘s movie being entered into the prestigious Library, with previous entries being the Box Office smashhits ‘Namastey London’ (also directed by Vipul Shah), ‘De Dana Dan’ and ‘Khatta Meetha’.
‘Action Replayy’ is a romantic-comedy set in the sassy 70’s, revolving around Akshay Kumar and his on-screen wife, played by Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. Their son, newcomer Aditya Roy Kapur, attempts to revive their deadpan marriage by travelling back in time to the 70’s. His first task is to convert his father from a short-sighted nerd with a nervous disposition into a handsome, bouncy-haired stud; and his mother from a feisty tomboy to the epitome of feminine grace. His next task is to achieve the impossible – make them fall in love with each other and persuade their feuding parents to agree to their marriage!
‘Action Replayy’ is in cinemas across UK and worldwide now.
This would be the foruth of Akshay Kumar‘s movie being entered into the prestigious Library, with previous entries being the Box Office smashhits ‘Namastey London’ (also directed by Vipul Shah), ‘De Dana Dan’ and ‘Khatta Meetha’.
‘Action Replayy’ is a romantic-comedy set in the sassy 70’s, revolving around Akshay Kumar and his on-screen wife, played by Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. Their son, newcomer Aditya Roy Kapur, attempts to revive their deadpan marriage by travelling back in time to the 70’s. His first task is to convert his father from a short-sighted nerd with a nervous disposition into a handsome, bouncy-haired stud; and his mother from a feisty tomboy to the epitome of feminine grace. His next task is to achieve the impossible – make them fall in love with each other and persuade their feuding parents to agree to their marriage!
‘Action Replayy’ is in cinemas across UK and worldwide now.
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